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Embracing AI with HubSpot: Why Clean Data and Solid Foundations Matter

Wed, Oct 2, 2024


Embracing AI with HubSpot: Why Clean Data and Solid Foundations Matter

PXL_20240918_124202795 (1)Between the new AI-focused product announcements and the overall energy of INBOUND 2024, it's clear that HubSpot is heading into a new era. But here's the thing: all these shiny new AI features are worthless if our data is a mess and we haven't nailed down the basics of using HubSpot.

AI is the Future, but It Needs a Solid Ground

HubSpot is doubling down on AI with tools like AI Agents and Breeze Intelligence, which crowdsource data from across the platform. These advancements can be game-changers—they can automate tasks, provide deeper insights, and elevate how we connect with customers.

But here's the catch: AI thrives on good data. If our databases are cluttered with duplicates, outdated info, or inconsistencies, we're not going to get the results we're hoping for. It's like trying to build a skyscraper on a shaky foundation.

I know data cleanup isn't the most glamorous topic, but it's absolutely required. Many HubSpot users overlook the importance of keeping data clean and organized and instead opt to work on new, shiny features. Trust me, spending some time tidying up will pay off big time when leveraging these new AI features.

Getting the Team Onboard with AI

Change can be intimidating, especially when it comes to technology like AI. The best way to get everyone comfortable? Show them! Demonstrate how AI can simplify their day-to-day tasks. Maybe even narrate a typical workday and have AI analyze it for opportunities to automate or improve processes. When the team sees the benefits firsthand, they're more likely to embrace the new tools.

I'm not totally convinced AI is the be-all and end-all for marketing or HubSpot use, but Jay Schwedelson said something that really stuck with me: "Regret is worse than failure." Let's not regret missing out on the AI revolution because we didn't have our house in order.

Let's take the time to clean up our data, master the essentials of HubSpot, and then confidently step into the future with AI. That way, we'll be ready to make the most of all the new features HubSpot has in store. Don't forget to check out all the product updates at hubspot.com/spotlight.

I empower businesses and marketers to create automated content systems that elevate sales and delight customers. Here’s how it works.