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HubSpot COS Template Development - Why Your Clients Need to Use The COS

If you're reading this, you are probably curious about the HubSpot COS system. Perhaps you've already made the choice and just want to hire me for good HubSpot cos template development. On the other hand, perhaps you're still trying to understand what the HubSpot COS can do for you as a marketing agency and how it can help your clients. In either case, its a good idea to take a closer look at why so many of us (and our clients) are in love with an integrated HubSpot COS approach.

Consider This

hubspot COS budgeting & pricingBusiness owners expect you to make the most out of their marketing budget. This is where a "content optimization system" comes in as being the perfect solution.

In the good old days marketing, content, webdesign, publishing, traffic generation and SEO were separate concepts. That is until HubSpot decided to revolutionize things by merging everything into a single integrated solution. That's right, you no longer have to settle for a "content management system" and then add "seo features", "optimization modules" on top of it.

What if the system was built from the core up to handle everything one needs in an inbound marketing strategy - and handle it all as an integrated whole? This is where a content optimization system comes in. The HubSpot COS and its exquisite ability to merge website and marketing efforts in a single package, allows you to deliver solutions tailored to every one of your client's specific needs.

The HubSpot COS is the most flexible, reliable and effective tool that you can use to create solutions that your clients will love. The platform was developed with the needs of both web developers and marketing managers in mind.

A complete website solution

The best thing about the HubSpot COS is that it provides an integrated solution for your client's entire online presence. It’s also exceptionally easy to use - even for the most technologically challenged individuals out there. It utilizes very user-friendly and intuitive features for creating and updating new posts, web pages and landing pages. It was literally engineered so that anyone can open their HubSpot Dashboard and know exactly where to click in order to get a desired result.

Let's translate this into practical terms: it means that you client will never bother you about how to update a post, change something on the site, update content or which fields to tweak in order to get different results. It means better results for your clients, and less unnecessary work for you.

In fact, the HubSpot COS allows your client to instantly edit any page directly from the page itself in a visual WYSIWYG fashion. This doesn't require any specific knowledge of website building or coding. Hubspot-cos-template-development

This COS features an instant preview option that makes it very easy for your client to ensure that everything looks good before publishing. Hence, it eliminates one of the largest pain points of website developers – the client easily identifying possible errors before their page goes live.

Here’s a COS feature that you, as a marketing professional, will absolutely love – built-in social media integration. It helps you craft a successful inbound marketing strategy for your clients and gain a lot of SEO benefits. HubSpot COS comes with Google+ social features and Twitter card integration. It allows you to add social sharing buttons to any page of your website in just a few clicks.

The HubSpot COS integrates all the necessary aspects of an inbound campaign and saves you both time and money. It is way more budget-friendly than other "integrated solutions". And speaking of comparisons to a CMS-based approach, the best thing is you don’t have to bother with plug-ins or the potential security issues that usually come along with free systems such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal.

Easy blogging

The HubSpot COS blogging platform allows your client to use its templates for their blog posts. It even allows you to add custom templates (which you can hire me to create for your clients). Since mobile optimization is crucial, each built-in blog post template is created to display perfectly on all mobile devices. The same holds true if you hire me for customized templates.

Thanks to the preview feature, your client is able to see if their content is mobile friendly or needs additional optimization. This means that they will spend less time bothering you, or publishing pages that look bad on the front-end.

And consider this, all of the built-in SEO tools and features will significantly improve your clients' rankings. The SEO assistant automatically suggests attractive keywords that will help attract and maintain the attention of a target audience.

The platform automatically shares new blog posts to all the social networks you have linked to the account. It also allows you (or your client) to set an image as a thumbnail when being shared on social media. HubSpot even has a built in "subscribe to blog" feature, and it even allows subscribers to choose a time interval at which they will receive emails from a HubSpot-based blog.

Fast landing pages

HubSpot COS lets you (or your client) easily develop, publish and promote landing pages in seconds. Each of these new landing pages will automatically be optimized for smartphones and tablets. Therefore, it provides an opportunity for your landing page to serve as a launching point for an upcoming campaign.

The Top 4 advantages of using the HubSpot COS

This system is the best thing that has happened to marketing-savvy web developers and website owners in a long time. Perhaps you already know this, but you have trouble selling it to your clients. If so, you can use these top 4 advantages of using COS as additional nudging material.

1. Automatic mobile responsiveness

Hubspot-cos-automatic-mobile-optimizationPeople nowadays access the Internet using a variety of mobile devices with different screen sizes, so proper mobile responsiveness is a must. Otherwise, the website can do more damage than it does good.

Thanks to automatic mobile optimization, the HubSpot COS makes a website responsive without you having to code any of it. The built-in templates make sure that this is the case. And then if you hire me for a custom template, you can be sure I will make it so that it is both unique, inherently responsive and ready to adapt to all devices.

2. Robust and user-friendly HubSpot COS template development

The fact that the HubSpot COS allows for custom template development is a gift for both web developers, marketers and their clients. It allows developers to build new templates faster, especially if they're familiar with HubSpot. This means that clients get solutions faster, and if they want something to be changed, it can usually be done very easily.

Thanks to the robust template system, you can get a professional template that's on par with any design you'd get with a typical CMS. Templates are fully customizable, so they can be built according to your client’s specific needs.

3. Smart content

This is a big one! Whereas most other HubSpot features can be replicated in a CMS (with plugins or additional development), smart content is not easy to replicate outside of a COS.

Consider this, we all know the importance of displaying relevant content when it comes to marketing. Leveraging full integration between a client’s website and their contact database, the HubSpot COS can identify and recognize individual viewers.

Hubspot-cos-smart-contentThis presents new opportunities for tailoring personalized messages for each particular viewer.

Using smart content, you can easily target various segments of consumer demographics as part of the marketing strategy that you create for your clients.

You can choose to share different information with first-time visitors versus returning visitors or even past customers. Using targeted content, images, and calls to action will help you create a more personal consumer experience and largely improve results for your clients.

4. Content distribution network (CDN)

Each website built using the HubSpot COS gets access to HubSpot’s content distribution network, that is their CDN. With data centers located all over the world, HubSpot’s CDN ensures that no matter where website visitors are, the site can load almost instantly on their devices. This provides easy access for customers which results in a great customer experience, as well as a lot of positive SEO points with the search-engines.

While this is also "achievable with a CMS", it's often a pain in the neck. It involves wasting time on configuring different caching and performance plugins, paying for separate CDN services, and more. With HubSpot everything is just handled for you. You never have to think about any of that server stuff. You just know that your client's website and pages will load as fast as possible. And if you get good custom, well-optimized HubSpot templates, you get to ensure that the design is unique, yet loads at lighting fast speeds.

I empower businesses and marketers to create automated content systems that elevate sales and delight customers. Here’s how it works.