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In the Past Ten Years

IMG_20230128_161804_550Ten years ago, I quit my job at a small tech company in Massachusetts, moved to the other side of the world, and started my own business.

In the past ten years, lots of things have changed. I now live in Maine instead of Malaysia, with my three pups and many personal projects. I work with clients worldwide from various industries, solving problems that are more advanced and complex than ever before. 

In the past ten years, I have tried just about every project management system, marketing platform, and CRM that exists, along with all the tools that promise to increase your productivity.

In the past ten years, I have seen HubSpot go from an email and contact tool that does website hosting, does some automation and manages a bit of sales to an absolute all-in-one business management powerhouse that’s taking over the world.

I’ve also seen the term ‘inbound marketing’ go from the marketing underdog to how things are, with cold calling and direct mail taking a backseat.

There’s more on the line for my clients these days, with websites becoming evermore personalized and relied upon for sales. Marketing budgets are taking hits if they’re not generating leads, and it’s harder than ever to get in front of potential clients and command their attention for a fleeting moment.

And yet, the most basic problems in marketing are the same: how to get more and better-qualified leads, increase organic search traffic and get found, and have responsive and smart websites that sell for you.

When I started my business, I wasn’t thinking about what it would be like to work for myself ten years from then. I was thinking about how to make money while living abroad, enjoy the experience of a new adventure, and break out of the corporate world I had been working in since college.

Ten years later, I’m not thinking about any of those things. I’m thinking about how I can best be an asset to my clients, find new ways to look at HubSpot data to segment and personalize and continue learning and improving my skills.

The actual work I’m doing now is the same as ten years ago: building HubSpot CMS websites, generating digital marketing strategies, creating inbound marketing email campaigns and automation, and helping clients get the most out of their HubSpot accounts.

I’m looking forward to doing this again for the next ten years.

I empower businesses and marketers to create automated content systems that elevate sales and delight customers. Here’s how it works.