I came across this article and wanted to share, as it’s almost the exact process I go through every week in managing my tasks and productivity. By using a combination of GTD and Kanban, in conjunction with a Pomodoro tool, my life is more productive, organized and efficient. These are things I thought would never happen.
“From David Allen’s Getting Things Done, I learned that my brain is for processing, not storage. Most of the stress in my life, perhaps all of it, used to come from the nagging fear that there was something more important that I ought to be doing. From Tony Buzzan, I learned that the best way to empty my brain on paper is a mind map. From Steven Covey, I learned that I have many roles in life, and the most important are the easiest to forget when budgeting time. From Nick Cernis, the author of Todoodlist, I learned that visualizing my life can be fun. From David Anderson, I learned to visualize my workflow and limit my work in process for faster task throughput times. Finally, from Francesco Cirillo, the creator of the Pomodoro technique, I learned to break myself of multi-tasking and the power of focus.”
— Paul A. Klipp, As A Startup CEO, What Is Your Favorite Productivity Hack?
The reason for stumbling across the article was via a social challenge on HabitRPG, a SAAS tool I use to keep myself accountable through the week. Sometimes I get in such a groove that I stop using the site and keep dying and losing levels. Oh the joys of gamifying life.
In my head, and backlog of things to do, is an idea to write an ebook on the stress of running a business, how to manage it and get on track to better productivity. Let me know if that’s something you’d like to read.
Also, here are some of my other articles on my personal workflow process: