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Still Running on Internet Explorer 9? (PLUS 8 More Signs Your Website Needs a Facelift)

Change is inevitable.

You can see it everywhere: from the design of your clothes to your latest gadgets.

And if we’re going to follow this thinking, wouldn’t it be wise to say that your customer’s needs are changing as well?

And if we’re going to stretch this idea a little bit further, isn’t it smart to take a closer look and see whether your website needs a major shakeup?

I’ve discussed this once but it’s worth repeating. Your website is your online salesman. It’s a sales-generating engine without which your business could go under.

So if your business is suffering from a weak pipeline, fluctuating sales, and a measly bottom line, it could be that your website is the culprit.

I’ve seen these scenarios before – clients calling me for website re-design. And in this article, I’d like to share with you the 7 signs I’m looking for a website that needs a facelift.

#1- Making changes requires a call from your web developer

If posting a blog post page means calling for technical help, it probably means you need a facelift. The emergence of CMS like WordPress makes it possible for anyone to manage their own site without much of a technical expertise.

Static HTML sites had their days. In fact, I still encourage HTML-based designs on certain use cases. But if your business requires dynamic content with lots of iterations and improvement for the next couple of years, then your best bet is to use a CMS platform.

#2 - Your website isn’t mobile responsive

Your buyers are mobile.

The same must be true for your website.

According to Shopify.com, 50.3% of ALL E-commerce traffic comes from mobile devices.

Think about that for a moment.

It means more than half of your potential customers are using mobile phones. And there's a big chance these people won't spot your business if you're not mobile optimized.

Going mobile is your best bet moving forward. And it starts with re-designing your site to adhere with responsive design principles.

#3- Your site is running on Flash

If your site is running on Flash, then it’s time to shift gears to a faster, more reliable technology – like HTML5.

Here’s why:

Mobile phones deplore it.

Search engines can't find it.

Not to mention the vulnerabilities associated with using Flash in your system.

But the biggest reason could be Apple's decision to cease the development of Flash for iDevices. And with more than 100 million iPhone users in North America alone - are you willing to isolate this group by sticking with Flash?

#4 - Your search engine ranking is low

Even Google encourages the need for change.

So if you find your ranking a little bit low, maybe it’s time to audit your SEO practices.

An example is Google’s Hummingbird algorithm which encourages original, high-value content like graphics, videos, texts and images. Search engines realize that the more dynamic content you offer, the better you attract the perfect audience for you; thus, a higher search engine ranking.

When giving your site a facelift, you would be able to improve your design on the following categories (thus, increasing your chances of getting a higher SEO ranking):

  • Content
  • Performance which includes speed and “usability”
  • Authority or "linkability" with higher-ranking sites
  • User experience that promotes easy navigation and "likeability"

#5 - Your Content is outdated


'Sup, b?'


'The Bomb'

'Boo Ya!'

Sound familiar?

Those were 90's catchphrases.

And back in those days, every kid and young adult used those words to sound cool.

But can you imagine yourself using those phrases TODAY?

No, me neither.

Here's my point:

Just like catchphrases, your content must stay relevant. Therefore, take a quick look at your content and see if there are changes you have to address. Because bringing more business to your website starts with identifying the content customers crave for.

And if we're going to adhere with Google's Freshness Update, it pays to give a new twist to your popular blog posts or articles (i.e. more favorable ranking).

But more than that, updating your content welcomes young, upcoming customers who just recently found your site. It tells your visitors that you care about them and you're ready to serve their pressing needs.

#6- Visitors aren’t converting

Numbers don’t lie.

Bounce rate is increasing while conversion rate is decreasing. Subscribers are down from last year while unsubscribers are through the roof.

Perhaps your branding has changed over time. And your value proposition is starting to miss your target.

If that’s the case, then it’s time to give your website a makeover. You can always count on customer feedback coupled with quantitative testing to map out your re-design.


#7- Social engagement is near zero

Unless you've been living under a rock, you should probably know by now the impact of social media to any business.

Not only does it allow you to nurture relationships with loyal customers, it gives exposure to your business without spending a huge ad budget.

So, let's take a look at your website.

How many people in the past few weeks have tweeted your product? How many customers mentioned your brand or shared your content?

Poor social engagement calls for a revamp on your site. It could be an improvement in your content (most probably) or an upgrade to your plugins and analytics.

Whatever it is, the feedback in your social media engagement is a direct result of how people perceive your site and your business.

#8- Your website fails to show up on new or alternate browsers


Still running on IE 9?

I hope not.

According to W3schools.com, Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer are the most widely used browsers today.

Question: How does your website look on these browsers? Do you like what you see? Does it even function the way it's supposed to be?

Web standards are evolving along with browsers’ functionality and features. It's best to check whether your website is up to par with the evolving browser technology.

#9- Your business strategy has changed or improved

Did you know that Starbucks originally sold coffee beans and espresso makers?

Today, it is one of the largest corporations in the world with over 20,000 locations and 191,000 employees.

Besides coffee, the company has expanded its offering by serving cold drinks, pastries, snacks, pre-packaged food items, and drinkware such as tumblers and mugs. You can even buy a Starbucks coffee at grocery stores and supermarkets.

So let me ask you this: Can your website still accommodate your growing business?

If your answer is "no", then it's time to consider a major facelift starting with a redesign, modern plugins or an efficient customer workflow.

Final Words

Did you know that every time a lobster sheds its shell, the crustacean increases by 20%?

There’s a reason why this process is important.

In a 2010 article, Trevor Corson explains that a lobster shell is a “fixed size”. He added that lobsters must discard this shell in the name of progress.

Think about that for a moment.

Change and progression are natural events – we’re not an exception.

If you find yourself stressing over low ROI, poor customer feedback, and slow traffic, then it’s time to outgrow your website. It’s time to re-assess your priorities and figure out how to put your business to another level.

These 9 signs can help you spot the adjustments you have to undertake to make progress happen. And I’m here to support you in whatever initiative you can come up with.

I empower businesses and marketers to create automated content systems that elevate sales and delight customers. Here’s how it works.