Buzzfeed is usually where I go in the morning to get back in touch with random news from the US, whether it's actual news or, more likely, pop culture. Occasionally, there are times when something neat pops up that begs to be shared.
Though not a fanatical follower of Star Wars, I have seen all the movies and know most of the characters. I enjoy the franchise for what it is, and especially enjoy seeing behind-the-scenes making of it.
This article on Buzzfeed showcases some of the concept art created by Ralph McQuarrie before the movies. His artwork set the tone and style for some of the most famous shots, and he helped develop the characters we all love.
The images are out of the book "Star Wars:The Art of Ralph McQuarrie." It was a limited production book for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars in Japan. If anyone finds a copy of the English translated book, I would love to take a peek.